Alternative Part Numbers

Component Stockers is not only a leading distributor of hard to find and active components, but we also provide cross referencing services to help our customers find alternatives when the part they need is not available to help avoid costly redesigns line-down situations.

Our team will work closely with the customer to meet their needs. Whether you are struggling to source a hard-to-find part or looking to reduce costs in your supply chain, we can help you circumvent costly supply chain disruptions due to long lead time or obsolescence issues by identifying and sourcing alternate parts for you. Component Stockers will find the solution, allowing our customers to focus on their manufacturing process and clients.

Not only can Component Stockers help identify alternates, but we can help our customers save valuable time and money by managing their electronic component purchasing. We are also happy to work with our customers to reduce their excess inventory and open up their warehouse space.

Why does Component Stockers offer cross referencing services?

We recognize that obsolete and long lead time parts parts can result in increased procurement costs as well as manufacturing disruptions.

What are the benefits of a cross referenced part?

  • Manufacturers can avoid supply chain disruptions and potential line-down situations.
  • Save time spent looking for obsolete and long lead time parts.
  • Reduce component costs and the need for redesigns

Other solutions offered by Component Stockers

  • Online BOM submission
  • Excess inventory management

Contact Us
Phone(888) 551-7511
TimeMonday to Friday, 9:30 am to 6:30 pm (GMT+8)