Your go-to source for long lead-time and obsolete parts

Component Stockers is a US based independent stocking distributor of electronic components. With a substantial catalog including both obsolete and active parts, we offer authentic parts, competitive pricing and prompt service.


The integrated circuit is a miniature electronic device or component. It has the advantages of small size, lightweight, fewer lead wires, welding points, long life, high reliability and good performance.

Integrated circuits are components that benefit from improved durability, performance, and reliability while being easily scalable for production. These include logic devices and microcontrollers.

Discrete devices are single semiconductors such as transistors or diodes.

Passives do not generate power, but instead dissipate, store, or release it. This includes resistors, capacitors, and inductors.

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OEM Services

Get logistical, packaging, and testing support.

Alternate Part Numbers

Our team will identify alternates for you to avoid costly delays and redesigns.

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